Pi Mining Network

Join the Pi Nrtwork en earn crypto curency!
Pi network is still a young project running since 2019 but users are able to mine there own Pi coins now already, This Pi coins will later become a crypto currrency!

6 Milion people are mining Pi coins already today, join them before the total users reach 10 milion and the halving in earning will come. 
Pi Network is in their second fase of their project and they will go the their third and final fase begin or half 2021. Thats when Pi coin becomes a crypto currency (Money)

Join now while mining Pi coins is still easy and earn much Pi coins now before the third fase will  start and thats when mining will become very hard. So join and earn now!

1. Dowload the app. https://minepi.com/RonnyT (Iphone+Android)
2. Install the app and sign up with Facebook or phone number
3. Use promo code RonnyT to join my mining circle and earn more
4. Start the mining procedure with the mining button in the app
5. Check in every 24 hours to start the mining procedure again
6. Thats it, you are mining Pi coins!
7. Be patient till begin/half 2021 to redeem your earned crypto money

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